Don't follow the trend, Manage It!

The best directory boilerplate to dominate your niche and become the next listing place to be.

$150 off for the first 10 customers (9 left)

DanyJipe.devJonHunter YeagleyLuca Restagno

6+ already shipped their directory apps!

Top Stack

Use the best technologies.

Product Filter
Shareable Lists
Rating & Favorites
Note System

Feature Rich

Access a wide range of built-in features.


Great Benefits

Get the most out of your niche!

What's a directory website and why you need one?

A directory website categorizes and lists other websites/businesses in a specific niche. As an entrepreneur, it benefits you by:

Targeted Traffic.
Driving targeted traffic by curating relevant listings in your niche
Monetization Opportunities.
Monetization through featured listings, affiliates, and ads
Authority and Trust Building.
Establishing authority and trust with a well-curated directory
Accelerated Development.
Quickly launching a feature-rich directory tailored to your audience, saving months of development time

Now let me show you how to get started

Build with the best tools

Use tools that are loved by the community and that will make your life easier.


Accelerate development with a swift and dependable tech stack.

Leading opinionated React framework
Type-safe language for a bug-free experience
Robust routing and table solutions


Enjoy a sleek, modern interface over outdated designs.

Community's favorite CSS framework
Feature-rich prebuilt components
Effortless automatic animations


Seamless payment processing, all set up for you.

Comprehensive payment platform
LemonSqueezy UI.
Prebuilt checkout and dashboard
LemonSqueezy Tax.
Managed international tax solutions


Simplified user management, from signup to admin.

Easy setup for Sign up & Login
NextAuth Social.
All social login options
NextAuth Private.
Specific route restrictions


Plan newsletters or welcome emails effortlessly.

All-in-one email management tool
Loops Transactional.
Simplified event emails
Loops Marketing.
Newsletters, reminders, and more


Prefer JavaScript? Use it instead of SQL.

The most robust database language
Full TypeScript ORM
Prisma DX.
Simplified database requests

Monetize it with ease

Directory websites are a cheat code when it comes to making money.

Featuring Spots.
Sell premium spots on your directory to feature items.
Affiliations links.
Your directory, your rules. Add your own affiliate links.
Take advantage of the high visit rate of directories to get sponsored.

Not your basic template

Your customers will need more than just a simple directory. You will need more than just a codebase.



Add to favorite and rate products.

Boost user engagement and retention



Create shareable lists of products.

Increase social sharing and traffic


SEO Ready

Easy Metadata, OG Images and pSEO.

Passively brings visitors



Built-in and customizable dashboard.

No struggle for management



Let users add annotation to the products.

Real & exclusive value

Combat-Proven solution

I spent 6 months building a community-loved directory so you don't have to.


Early Bird Pricing

Invest in your success: Get a whole Directory app at a fraction of custom development costs

$150 off for the first 10 customers (9 left)


Start shipping today.





Prebuilt NextJs web directory boilerplate

Fully functionnal community features

Customizable from design to text in under 10 minutes


I'll build it for you!





Everything in Starter

External config (auth, db, server) done for you

Bonjour! I'm Dany

I often feel lost when it comes to find the right things on the internet nowadays...
So I built a solution to gather them!


I spent 12 years risking my life all around the globe but 1 year ago I decided to settle down a bit.
So I went back to my first love: building stuff. But something stayed the same: I love risks. So I took the most difficult path to entrepreneurship but the most rewarding one too: IndieHacking.

I can now count on myself only to provide you the best products and my family the life they deserve.

I found my way by building a directory of books visited by over 2,000 #indiehackers a month. But in this game, you have to be one step ahead.

That's why I built this site not only to be a great product, but also to be usable and used by as many people as possible easily and in no time.

Focus on content, not tool

You don't need to be a senior developer to build a directory. You just need to be you.

You're still hesitating?

Have a look at what you can build and find answers to your questions.

Start earning money with minimal effort.

Don't let the market outrun you again. Harness it and build the ultimate directory platform.

$150 off for the first 10 customers (9 left)